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Spring / Summer 2024 Issue

Amanda Cooke

Erin Stanley

Mark Chee-Aloy

Monica Pasinato-Forchielli, RMT

Scott Dartnall


Amanda Cooke, Robine Devine, Janet Penny, Jen Flemming, Jennifer Quilty


Massage Therapy Media


As we develop future issues, we want your input. We want to hear about the great things you’re doing and about the things you’d like to learn about through this magazine. Tell us what you have been doing or simply email us your ideas for future articles and features. We’d love to hear from you!





Robin, a figure within Calgary’s wellness community, stands as the founder and driving force behind the Lymph Balance Centre. At the Lymph Balance Centre, Robin’s expertise in Lymph Drainage Therapy shines brightly, offering support to therapists and clinics here in Canada and abroad. Robin is a passionate advocate for community wellness, actively participating in outreach programs, educational workshops, and collaborative initiatives aimed at promoting lymphatic practices throughout Calgary and beyond.



Jen is a trauma-informed massage therapist in Hamilton Ontario. In practice for 15 years, she has finally achieved the goal of opening her own studio to develop traumainformed massage therapy. When she is not caught up in the hustle of work, she is hiking, paddling, biking, or lounging at home with a good book.


As a registered massage therapist since 2017, Jennifer witnessed how women’s health suffers from medical systems that focus primarily on male anatomy. Her curiosity sparked and she became passionate about supporting women through massage therapy. Her journey to motherhood taught her the enormous benefits of perinatal care firsthand and gave her a fresh perspective on her clients’ needs and potential treatments – leading to better outcomes.


Janet is a massage therapist in Ottawa, Ontario with a practice focused on working with people affected by cancer. She co-authored Oncology Massage: An integrative approach to cancer care (Handspring 2021). Janet offers 4-day oncology massage training courses with the goal of preparing therapists to comfortably work with people with any type of cancer at any stage of treatment. She is amazed by the resiliency of the human body and spirit and all that we put it through.


Editor’s Note

Editors Notes
Amanda Cooke, RMT

The Conscious Massage Therapist

In our work as Massage Therapists, we would all probably say that one of the main reasons this career appealed to us initially was the opportunity to not only work closely with people, but also to have a lasting impact on their overall well-being. We love to help people. Of course, some of us were likely very attracted to the technical skill of the job and the demand for problem solving, critical thinking, and piecing together information for complex musculoskeletal conditions to provide treatment plans for our patients that will yield favorable clinical outcomes. Whether it is the compassionate side of you, or the analytical side, the result is that we work with humans and help them to reach their health and wellness goals. What a great feeling! While in school, we focused mainly on the body, naturally, because we were studying to become body workers. We also learned about therapeutic relationships of course because when working with people, their physical and mental health are so intertwined that we have to be aware of all aspects of this person in our treatment room and be sure we have the soft skills of communication, empathetic listening, decision making, and rapport building in order for our patients to get the most out of their treatment plans. It is safe to say that Massage Therapists as a whole, have excellent soft skills, and are well-equipped to work with people from all walks of life. That is not to say that Massage Therapists don’t come with their own biases, life experiences, and blind spots that may limit their abilities with certain populations. This is why we are constantly learning, improving, networking, and working towards being the best therapists we can for the patients we serve.

This issue we have brought four incredible Massage Therapists from Ontario who are doing great things in their practice and for the massage community. These four women have unique areas of focus in their practices and their patients are so lucky to have therapists who have taken time, energy, and resources to become educated about things that were merely touched upon in school but affect such a large proportion of our population. Our aim through these articles is to open your minds to things that we likely encounter all the time, and how to be mindful of these things to improve your own practice. I am not suggesting that we all need to become experts in all of these areas, especially if we already have a well-established niche and some of this does not apply to our practice. As you will see, these are things that almost every therapist will encounter at some point in their practice and having an understanding about how a patient may be affected and how your treatment plans and referrals may change, can only make us better for our patients. I am talking about trauma, cancer, hormones, and lymphedema.

One of our contributors has a practice that she has branded a being trauma-informed. What does that mean? Are we all trauma-informed? Her article focuses on how her own trauma was actually affecting her practice, how we need to be aware of our own triggers as therapists, and how to understand our own trauma to be sure we can have space for our patients’ trauma. Although it may seem that this is outside of scope, trauma-informed is a term that means just that. We are not mental health professionals but we do know that trauma will have a profound effect on how a person will respond to treatment, how they will comply with their treatment plans, how they communicate etc. Understanding this and being trauma-informed will allow therapists a deeper understanding as to why certain techniques may or may not be beneficial at certain times and allow insight to how to work with individuals versus strictly bodies.

Let’s talk about cancer. Can anybody say that they have not encountered a person dealing with a cancer diagnosis, the side effects of cancer treatments, or recovering from surgery due to cancer? It is unlikely that you don’t know someone who has been affected by cancer in some way. The article on oncology massage really focuses on how aware we are of how to adapt

our patient interactions, treatment goals, and treatment plans for someone who has been through cancer treatments or is currently dealing with cancer. This one will allow therapists to be much more mindful in their intake interview and not take each symptom at face value. Same with lymph. As Massage Therapists, how much do we actually know about our lymphatic system? Do we know how much it affects every other function in our body? Aside from the basic manual lymphatic drainage techniques we learn in massage school, our understanding of lymph may not be adequate to deal with patients who have a dysfunction in their lymphatic system. This article gives a brief overview of the system and may encourage you to either learn more or create a referral network to have a lymphedema therapist in your back pocket. The work they do is so important.

Lastly, we have a chat about hormones. This may seem not important to massage therapists, but our contributor would disagree. She has been creating courses and aiming to educate Massage Therapists about hormone cycles, specifically with female bodies, and how it may affect communication, mood, tolerance for pain, or exercise. Like trauma, we are not expecting Massage Therapists to give advice that should be left to an endocrinologist, but we are looking to have you be mindful of all of the aspects of a human that may affect the world of body work.

Massage Therapists are a rare breed of human that are both healthcare workers, and service providers. Our constant assessment processes are vital in ensuring that we adapt our treatment approaches to allow for the variance that comes with working with humans. Physical and mental trauma may have an effect on a person that varies from day to day, pathologies such as cancer will of course have an impact on a person’s well-being, and any bodily processes such as the cyclic nature of hormones, will have an affect on a person. We spend a significant amount of time with our patients and we have the unique opportunity to shift our treatments to allow for the normal human experiences that our patients deal with from day to day. We have all seen the term “meet you where you are” and this is exactly what we are aiming to do. Be the best therapist you can be. Be mindful. Be conscious. 

Heal Thyself

When I first began my trauma-informed journey I was fired up about the challenges many people living with trauma faced when going to see a massage therapist. As a person affected by trauma, I fully related as I faced the same challenges, too. I was focused on making myself a better therapist and worked hard to convince my colleagues they needed to consider the problem of trauma, too. Part way through my training, in a workshop about trauma-informed care systems, the instructor said “the people who operate the system may also have trauma and are often drawn into this work out of a shared sense of struggle. Your system must include consideration for trauma in the service provider.” This idea reverberated in my head for weeks; every space I walk into, trauma will be there because I carry trauma. I am a traumatized person. And if my work is hurting me, perpetuating my struggle and actively inhibiting my recovery, I am not being trauma-informed. 

Care for the carer is a necessity of any care work performed by any person simply because when you are not at your best your work will suffer. Your patients depend on you to provide consistent care that meets their needs and gets them to their goals. For those of us who are traumatized, this is a non-negotiable. Why? Because trauma makes us more vulnerable and increases our risk of making choices that negatively impact ourselves and potentially our patients. 

My study was put on pause because my work WAS inhibiting my recovery. I was not making enough money and hadn’t been for a long time, I wasn’t working in a way I enjoyed, and I wasn’t connected to other professionals who were interested in the same things as me. I felt siloed and like I was drowning where no one could see me and if anyone did see me, that would be worse than drowning alone. The conditioning of my traumas kept me in this place trying to appease other people at the cost of my health, pretending everything was fine, plodding along without asking for help because I couldn’t articulate my own needs. 

Realizing this forced me to take stock of my life and recognize what was actively working against me. I saw that the primary assumptions and principles of trauma-informed care could be applied to my own life. I could realize trauma was impacting me and the kinds of decisions I was making, I could recognize when I was thinking and living in “trauma brain,” and I could respond by keeping commitments that were important to my own good health and happiness in order to resist my trauma. The principles of TIC are 1) safety, 2) trustworthiness and transparency, 3) collaboration and mutuality, 4) empowerment, voice and choice, 5) peer support, and 6) social intersections and history. Cultivating these principles in my life made the choices I needed to make for my own good obvious.

Care for the carer is a necessity of any care work performed by any person
simply because when you are not at your best your work will suffer.

So how does one do this? How do we apply these principles to ourselves? I think for a lot of trauma survivors, especially those recovering from toxic relationship dynamics, there can be a tendency to assume your role is to support others. I saw a meme recently that talked about the “parentified child to helping professional pipeline is a straight line” and I had to laugh because it’s probably true. The hyperfocus on bettering myself for others, on bettering the profession for others, is a clear example of the internal pressure to appease or satisfy the faceless masses of people no matter the cost to me. Recognizing that I needed me meant decentering others and allowing myself to matter to me.

I took stock of things I knew helped me feel more connected to myself and practiced them more. I assessed the relationships I had in my life – were they supportive or were they draining? I allowed myself to be declarative about what I wanted for my life and committed myself to making the changes needed to build the life I wanted. I did a LOT of therapy. I spent time identifying my feelings, learning about my triggers, and making space for glimmers (those things that zing you with joy). I consistently reminded myself I was allowed to claim my life as mine and remove that which did not support me, even if it meant causing someone pain or disappointment. I unlearned beliefs about my value as a person and my role in the relationships I built. For years I had remained connected to people in ways that caused me pain and disappointment and remained in relationships that failed to support me. I didn’t owe that to anyone. I learned how to identify where I needed to say no, and I learned how to be brave enough to say yes to that which would set me free. 

Viewed through the TIC lens, the command “heal thyself” becomes very practical. Yes, the experiences we’ve had, are having, give us insight into some of our patients, enabling us to connect with them in meaningful ways. It also asks us to see ourselves the same way, to recognize our own needs and limits and treat them as priorities in our personal care plans. We, too, are vulnerable. Vulnerable to breaking our own boundaries, making agreements that are not good for us to “keep the peace,” or mismanaging our resources. We are vulnerable to resentment and shame, compassion fatigue and burnout. When we are carrying our own pain without attending to it, we deny our own healing and undermine the quality care we want to give.

I officially began my trauma-informed care journey in 2017 but it is only now, in 2024, that I feel like I have done enough of the heavy lifting for myself that I can confidently claim this title. As my journey has unfolded, my work has emerged from that firm ground of scar tissue and I can speak from a place both of professional knowledge and personal experience. It is not just my knowledge, about the process of being wounded that makes me a trauma-informed practitioner; my knowledge of recovery makes me trauma-informed. For, if we are to ever meet the demand of truly resisting trauma and re-traumatization in the world, we must place priority on recovery. Recovery is our resistance.

Hormone Informed

Massage Therapists are well aware of how communication can significantly impact the therapeutic relationships with their patients. However, what is less understood is the impact that hormones play and how this may affect communication from appointment to appointment. This leads to the question: do you have a hormone-informed practice?


Hormones are chemical messengers that are sent to cells in order to change their function. In a female, pre-menopausal body, these hormones are always rising and falling. This differs in comparison with male anatomy where hormones are solely governed by the circadian rhythm. The physiologically male body will start the day with testosterone at its highest concentration and will slowly decrease throughout the day. Whereas, the female body’s hormonal concentration is governed by an infradian rhythm (a biological process that lasts longer than 24 hours and less than one year); the Menstrual Cycle. 

Throughout the menstrual cycle, hormones will fluctuate and each phase of the cycle will influence the brain, immune system, metabolism, microbiome and stress response. The major events in the menstrual cycle are: menstruation, the pre-ovulatory phase, ovulation and the post-ovulatory phase. 

The pre-ovulatory phase is also known as the follicular phase. When menstruation occurs, hormones are at an all-time low concentration. During the Follicular phase, hormones will begin to rise. This causes changes in the brain that can make individuals more open to new experiences, can spark creativity & evoke an openness to new beginnings. The gradual increase of estrogen can contribute to increased focus and increased memory retention. As ovulation approaches, this allows for an increase in energy and the tendency to be more social. 

The post-ovulatory phase is also known as the luteal phase, and this phase generally lasts about 14 days, making it the longest phase of the menstrual cycle. After ovulation, estrogen will slightly dip. If ovulation occurs, the body will produce progesterone. During this phase, it is common and normal for individuals to feel the need to be less social and turn inwards. This is the phase where Pre-Menstrual Symptoms (PMS) may appear and can greatly impact mood.

These hormonal shifts are not common knowledge. In Massage Therapy Education, we learn about the different phases of the cycle and some physiology, but we don’t learn about how this can affect our patients’ mood and how that may affect our treatment plans; or even how a pre-menopausal therapist may operate within their own practice. 

How the Menstrual Cycle May Effect Treatment

For example, a patient has their initial appointment in their follicular phase when they are open to new techniques. They agree to have cupping done and are quite chatty through their appointment. They have a follow up in two weeks when they are in their luteal phase and they prefer to have Swedish massage techniques and are less communicative compared to their last appointment. A therapist that has knowledge of how the menstrual cycle can affect mood may be able to understand this variance in the patient’s treatment desires. Having fluidity in how we provide care can better support a patient who has variations in their communication and treatment goals. 

These hormonal shifts can also affect how pre-menopausal individuals can respond to exercise. The pre-ovulatory body has more energy and may respond better to more intense activities. After ovulation occurs the body can respond better to split body workouts. During menstruation, this can be a great time to include more time to stretching and restorative movement. Being hormone aware within your practice can help guide home care recommendations and make a therapist more aware of why certain routines may not be working for their patients. 

How the Menstrual Cycle May Affect Our Practice

Knowledge about the menstrual cycle can also help therapists themselves within their own practice. The hormonal changes that occur during menstruation can cause an individual to feel the need for rest and an increased ability for self-reflection. This can be an opportune time to reflect on your practice. Are you happy with your current policies? Is there any area you feel you need to improve on? Have there been any client interactions that you wish you handled differently?

The follicular phase would be an opportune time to create change. This would be a great time to start that online course that you have had your eye on or implement techniques from a recent training. It can be a great time to take advantage of creativity. If you are a business owner and regularly hold meetings with your team, this would be a great time to schedule one of those meetings. Being social also comes easier with this phase. This can be a great time to network and form new relationships within your practice and or field.

Post-ovulatory hormonal changes can make an individual directed towards completing tasks. This can be an excellent time to organize your treatment space, sort through taxes and complete administrative tasks. 


Every therapist can benefit from being hormone aware within their practice. Hormones are a driving force behind a body’s biological processes and all forms of healthcare should be aware of their impact on our health. This will allow us to understand how the menstrual cycle may be affecting our patients’ treatment goals, communication and needs. Of course, every body is unique and some individuals may be more sensitive to these hormonal shifts than others. Having an understanding of the menstrual cycle will allow our field to greater support women’s health, while having a positive impact on our patients’ lives.


Massage for people affected by cancer has always been in our treatment rooms, even if we haven’t paid it too much attention. With 2 out of 5 Canadians being diagnosed with cancer, all massage therapists, in all practice settings, must be ready to work with the diverse and often persistent side effects of cancer treatment.   
To best illustrate how we can adapt our treatments we will look at intake and treatment through the lens of a client.  Cory, 48 years old, is a runner who often takes part in 10 km competitions.  Two years ago, he was diagnosed with colon cancer.  It has been almost a year since he completed all the recommended treatments including surgery to remove a small part of his colon, chemotherapy and radiation.  Once his energy had improved, Cory returned to running.  Although used to deep tissue massage for tight leg muscles, Cory has come for a massage for persistent low back pain and mentions that burning in his feet makes working out more challenging.  
What might Cory’s massage look like if his cancer treatment wasn’t part of our intake and planning?  Given the presenting symptoms, a massage therapist might start with focused, deep treatment to Cory’s low back, glutes and hip flexors.  The burning in his feet and low back pain could be explained by a lifestyle with too much sitting and running.   Without careful probing during intake, the proposed treatment could overlook some critical information that ensures safe treatment adaptations. 


A not-yet-oncology-aware massage therapist might not know to expand their usual intake questions to properly assess how side effects of cancer treatment could be contributing to Cory’s presenting signs. Which brings us to the question of how much do we really need to know to treat someone affected by cancer?  Following are some of the lines of inquiry necessary to work with Cory and to pique our curiosity to learn more. 
Surgery, the most common primary cancer treatment, may result in often predictable short and long-term side effects. According to Cory, other than some pain and fatigue in the weeks following surgery, he didn’t have the bowel and bladder changes that could have occurred.  As part of our inquiry, we can explore the possibility that the surgical incision and resulting scar may be impacting his low back.  This information will not only help to streamline our assessment and treatment, but it is also part of the education we bring to our clients:  Cory didn’t know that scars can impact function.  
During chemotherapy Cory mentions that he lost his hair, had mouth sores and was very tired.  He also had many of the classic signs of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) such as cold and tingling in his hands and feet.  Cory had forgotten that chemotherapy could cause persistent and long-lasting side effects and the likelihood that the burning in his feet is caused by the neurotoxic impact of chemotherapy. Before addressing this symptom, the massage therapist makes a mental note to further explore CIPN, whether there are precautions to consider and how best to provide massage.   


Skin reddening and peeling are common side effects of radiation and, once healed, it is easy to overlook its deeper impact.  Densification can occur in every structure within the field of radiation including muscle, fascia and organs as well as blood and lymph vessels.  Bringing 3-dimensional awareness to massage treatment planning will widen the therapist’s thought process and critical thinking.   
The densification after 20 sessions of radiation Cory underwent could be a contributing factor to his low back pain. The irradiated area can also often lead to fragile tissues and damaged lymph vessels and nodes.  This knowledge signals a need for precautions during massage with careful use of pressure and stroke direction.   

Did you know? 
There is a lifetime risk of developing lymphedema for anyone whose lymphatic system is compromised by cancer treatment including: 

  1. surgical removal of lymph nodes 

  2. radiation 

A careful intake process for someone affected by cancer naturally leads to consideration of contraindications and precautions.  Cory’s cancer treatment ended a year ago and there are no signs of absolute contraindications such as blood clots and infection.  There are, however, many precautions that need to be considered.  

  • CIPN may reduce sensory awareness requiring very cautious use of heat, cold and pressure. 

  • Persistent inflammation that can last years after radiation treatment may cause tissues to be sensitive and easily overworked, requiring careful adaptation to pressure and treatment duration in the irradiated area. 

  • The compromised lymphatic system is best treated by a therapist trained in lymphatic drainage. 

  • Cancer metastasis can cause pain and requires massage adaptations until medical testing confirms or clears diagnosis  

Think back to the not-yet-oncology-aware treatment plan.  Transpose the deep pressure on Cory’s back, glutes and hip flexors onto an area that we now know has been affected by surgery, chemotherapy and radiation and imagine the potential adverse side effects from a massage that overworks damaged tissues.   
It is not always clear how to proceed with treatment when a client presents with the complex and overlapping side effects of cancer treatment.   A well-planned massage will proceed slowly and cautiously and take into consideration all contraindications and precautions.  As well, careful monitoring of our client’s reactions and tissue changes can help to guide our work.  Finally, follow-up within a few days of the massage is an essential step to track our client’s reactions to their treatment.   

We have grown accustomed to categorizing and hyper-focusing our work.  Sports massage works on injury prevention and recovery.  Prenatal massage provides treatment for the physical changes that occur during a relatively short period of time. Providing massage for people affected by cancer is, by necessity, geared to the whole person.  Each person’s physical and emotional reactions to cancer and its treatment are unique.  Although there is no template upon which to build a treatment plan, foundational knowledge of the side effects of cancer treatment will allow us to provide informed care. 
As massage therapists we work alone in a room with our client.  The onus is on each of us to ensure that our knowledge is sufficient to work with the complexity of cancer treatment side effects.   We don’t have to know everything, but we do need to know when we don’t know enough.  Small efforts in learning about cancer treatments and the implication for our work as massage therapists will go a long way in ensuring safe treatment for clients with any type of cancer at any stage of treatment and beyond. 

Recommended Reading

Oncology Massage: An integrative approach to cancer care; Penny and Sturgeon (Handspring 2021)
Traumatic Scar Tissue Management: Principles and practice for manual therapy; Ryan and Keeney Smith; (Handspring 2016)

There is a wealth of research on manual therapy and cancer treatment side effects.  Below is a small selection of recommended studies. 
Izgu, N., Metin, Z.G., Karadas, C., Ozdemir, L., Çetin, N. and Demirci, U. (2019). Prevention of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy with classical massage in breast cancer patients receiving paclitaxel: An assessor-blinded randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, [online] 40, pp.36–43. 
Scott, H.C., Stockdale, C., Robinson, A., Robinson, L.S. and Brown, T. (2022). Is massage an effective intervention in the management of post-operative scarring? A scoping review. Journal of Hand Therapy. 
Stubblefield, M.D. (2011). Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome: Neuromuscular and Musculoskeletal Complications in Cancer Survivors. PM&R, 3(11), pp.1041–1054. 


What if I told you that you have this incredible system in your body, that clears waste, destroys foreign invaders and that you have most likely never heard of? 

The human body is an intricate tapestry of systems, each playing a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. Among these, the lymphatic system stands out as a quietly efficient network, often overlooked yet indispensable in its functions. Spanning throughout the body like a vast labyrinth, the lymphatic system serves as a vital component of the immune system, fluid balance, and nutrient transport. In this article, we delve into the complexities of the lymphatic system, unraveling its significance and mechanisms.

At its core, the lymphatic system is a network of vessels, nodes, and organs that work together to eliminate toxins, waste products, and pathogens from the body while also facilitating the transportation of nutrients and immune cells. Unlike the circulatory system, which relies on the heart to pump blood, the lymphatic system lacks a central pump. Instead, it relies on the contraction of skeletal muscles, respiratory movements, and the pulsation of nearby arteries to propel lymph fluid through its vessels.

At its core, the lymphatic system is a network of vessels, nodes, and organs that work together to eliminate toxins, waste products, and pathogens from the body while also facilitating the transportation of nutrients and immune cells.

Lymph, the fluid within the lymphatic system, is a clear, colorless liquid that closely resembles blood plasma. It originates from the interstitial fluid that bathes the body's cells, carrying waste products, excess fluids, and cellular debris. As lymph travels through the lymphatic vessels, it passes through lymph nodes, small bean-shaped structures that act as filtering stations. Within the lymph nodes, immune cells such as lymphocytes and macrophages detect and eliminate foreign particles, including bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells, helping to protect the body from infections and diseases.


One of the primary functions of the lymphatic system is immune surveillance and defense. Lymph nodes contain a diverse array of immune cells that constantly monitor the lymph for any signs of infection or abnormal cell growth. When foreign invaders are detected, lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, launch a targeted immune response to neutralize the threat. Additionally, lymphatic vessels serve as conduits for the transportation of immune cells throughout the body, allowing for rapid deployment to sites of infection or inflammation.


Beyond its role in immunity, the lymphatic system also plays a crucial role in maintaining fluid balance within the body. By collecting excess interstitial fluid and returning it to the bloodstream, the lymphatic system helps prevent tissue swelling and edema. This function is especially important in regions of the body with high fluid turnover, such as the extremities and gastrointestinal tract.

Furthermore, the lymphatic system serves as a highway for the absorption of dietary fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive system. Specialized lymphatic vessels called lacteals located in the small intestine absorb fat molecules, forming a milky white fluid known as chyle. Chyle is then transported via the lymphatic vessels to the bloodstream, where it can be utilized by cells throughout the body for energy and cellular function.

Conditions due to trauma, surgery, poor circulation, and immunity are all related to your lymphatic system.  When you have inflammation after a sprained ankle, the healing and then clearing of the swelling is the responsibility of your lymphatics.  For these reasons, and many more, taking care of this vital system is crucial.


Lymph drainage therapy is a gentle, non-invasive manual therapy, that helps to facilitate and stimulate the flow of lymphatic fluid throughout the body. By employing gentle, rhythmic strokes and precise movements, lymph drainage therapy aims to encourage the natural movement of lymph, facilitating the removal of toxins, waste products, and excess fluids from the tissues. This therapy can be particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing lymphedema, a condition characterized by swelling due to lymphatic system dysfunction, as well as those seeking to support their immune system, promote detoxification, and enhance overall well-being. When the system becomes compromised, like when nodes are removed due to cancer or surgery, even more support from a lymphatic therapist is required. Lymph drainage therapy is performed by trained therapists and may be integrated into comprehensive wellness plans to promote optimal health and vitality.


This groundbreaking therapy is growing all over the world and allows us to engage in our immunological health.  For a full body wellness treatment, looking at your lymphatic system is the most powerful of all.

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